Kung Fu Tai Chi school -since 1991-
Xia Quan logo
E-mail: info@xiaquan.com
Nederlandse Wushu Academie Xia Quan
Nederlands    English    中文(繁體)   

- Since 1991 -
(Hop Quan, Hung Quan, Tai Chi Quan俠拳 洪拳,太極拳)

Old address:
- Vijverhofstraat 64
3032 SN Rotterdam)

- Oostzeedijk Beneden 87
3061 VN Rotterdanm
Dutch Wushu Academy Xia Quan
Online register: Beginners Tai Chi & Kung Fu / Wushu groups

More info:
Telephone: +31-6-53 18 03 49
E-mail: info@xiaquan.com
Tel: Monday to Friday 10:00 ~ 16:00   closed on Wednesday
IBAN: NL97INGB0004833239
Lesson location:

Gashouderstraat 38, 3061 EK Rotterdam(gymzaal)

Welcome to the website of the Dutch Wushu Academy ‘Xia Quan’. N.W.A. Xia Quan is the branch of the ‘Xia Quan Kung Fu Institute China 中國俠家拳. The Academy has been founded on 1991 (officially on June, 9 1993). N.W.A.’s primary purpose is to increase Dutch and Chinese people’s knowledge of each other’s culture in order to establish a friendly relationship and mutual understanding.
Netherlands Xia Quan
Nederladnse Wushu Academie Xia Quan

Since its foundation N.W.A. has been engaged in many activities. In accordance with its purpose N.W.A. has maintained contacts and has cooperated with several organizations in The Netherlands. In the past years the following organizations have used our products: Foundation for Arts Education, Tax Rijnmond, Rotterdam City Council, Municipality of Breda, Unilever, Holland Casino, Weed & Rose, City Safari, Orange, Wrner Bros.. Holland Pictures International, WTTC 2011 opening ceremony organization, and Blanc Dinner Netherlands, Subliem010, Maritime Museum, Dutch Railways, Lucent Technologies, Twijnstra Gudde, World Port Days, and China Light etc...


Leeuwendans voor: Opening Ceremony "The World Championship of Chinese Cuisine"
Wereld Natuur Fonds (WNF) WTTC opening ceremony Warner Bros. Pictures International Unilever Orange Networking Event 2008 Antwerpen Lucent
The World Championship of Chinese Cuisine


Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Ministry of Transport City of Rotterdam Dutch Railways (NS) Twijnstra Gudde
GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond
(De Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst)

Central Library Rotterdam

City of Breda Department of Justice Maritiem Museum Rotterdam
"Wereld Havendagen" World Trading Center Rotterdam Holland Casino Hague Court of Appeal Royal Dutch Shell
het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Marine (KIM)
Rotterdam Business School International Film Festival Rotterdam IHC Holland B.V. Codarts Rotterdam het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Marine (KIM)

As from the beginning various of our students have gained prizes, amongst others first prizes in national and international competitions.

At this moment the Xia Quan Institute has more than five subsidiaries all over the world and is one of the largest and most successful Wushu training institutes in the world. Xia Quan’s branches are located in amongst others: China, The Netherlands, Hong Kong, New Zealand, France and The United Kingdom.

  Xia Quan Kung Fu School Canton China  
  Xia Quan (Hop Gar) China  
Xia Quan Kung Fu School Hong Kong Xia Quan (Hap Gar) New Zealand Xia Quan France
Xia Quan (Hop Gar) Hong Kong Xia Quan (Hop Gar) New Zealand Xia Quan (Hop Gar) France
Da Tang Kanton China Xia Quan Kung Fu School England Xia Quan Kung Fu School  Pan Yu Cantion China
Xia Quan (Hop Gar)
Da Tang Canton China
Xia Quan (Hop Gar) England Xia Quan (Hop Gar)
P.Y Canton China

Origin / Lineage


 How can you become a student of Xia Quan?

  1. Register from our website
  2. Make an appointment by mail or phone (phone; from Monday till Friday 10:00~16:00 (closed on Wednesdays)

    More info: "beginners groups"

Beginners groepen 2018/2019

  • Tai Chi beginners start: Sep. 13 2018
  • Kung Fu beginners start: Sep. 5 2018
  • Kung Fu kideren start: Sep. 122018
  • Overdag Tai Chi
  • Overdag Kung Fu

    Meer info: beginners
Activities and Events
Sep. 13: Beginners Tai Chi group
Sep.12: Beginners kinderen Kung Fu
Sep. 5: Beginners Kung Fu group
Julu 7: Xia Quan Kung Fu & Tai Chi demo in Groningen (Trainingsweekend Bao Trieu)
Julu 7: Sifu Kong: Kung Fu workshop in Groningen
June 14: Tai Chi workshop for teachers in school
March 18: Xia Quan Kung Fu & Tai Chi traditional meeting in Paris
Feb. 17: 12:00 ~ 18:00 Lion dancing & Dragon dancing "Parade" at "West Kruiskade, Westersingel, Mauitsweg"
Feb. 17: Opening Ceremony Chinese New Year: Xia Quan Team
Feb. 16: Theater "De Doelen": Leeuwendans, Kung Fu & Tai Chi show
Jan. 11: Start Tai Chi beginners group
Nov. 25: Opening ceremony Ethnic Dutch businesswoman award gala 2017
Nov. 13: Tai Chi & Office exercise workshop for Vivat insurance
Sep. 4: Start Tai Chi beginners group
Aug. 29: Start Kung Fu beginners group
June 27: Tai Chi workshop: Irado
April 29: Xia Quan girls training in Hong Kong Xia Quan school
April 28: Xia Quan girls training in China Xia Quan school
April 17: Start: Tai Chi beginners group
April 11: Start: Kung Fu beginners group
Jan. 30: Lion Dance for Holland Casino
Jan. 28: Dragon-& Lion Dance, Kung Fu, Tai Chi for "Official opening Chinese New Year Rotterdam"
Jan. 27: Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Group Drum Show for Chinese New Year Rotterdam
December 15,16 Kung Fu, Tai Chi show & Lion dance: at the Royal Naval College (KIM)
November 11: Tai Chi workshop: for "De Innovatiecentrale" at De Arendshoeve Bergambacht
October 7: Xia Quan "Lady Lions" team action: openingsceremonie "Movico bv" at Deurne
September 19: Lion dance: Opening Ceremony "The World Championship of Chinese Cuisine"
August 28: Xia Quan lion dance, Kung Fu and Tai Chi Demo at the beach Wassenaar
June 5: Kung Fu Tai Chi en leeuwendans: A Brand New Day
June 3: Kung Fu, lion dance and workshop for 600 childern at Montessoribasisschool de Elzen
May 3 ~ 8: Tai Chi & Kung Fu training week at Limoges Frankrijk
February 13: Dragon- & Lion dance, Kung Fu, Tai Chi for "Official Opening Chinese New Year" The Hague town hall"
February 8: Lion dance: Corso Casino in Rotterdam
February 6: Dragon- & Lion dance, Kung Fu, Tai Chi for "Official Opening Chinese New Year Rotterdam"
Jan. 9: International film festival: Kung Fu Demo at De Doelen Rotterdam
Jan. 5: Kung Fu Demo & Lion dance: Montfort College


December 19: Lion dance for "IHC Holland B.V."
November 28: Lion dance for: Opening Kruisplein Rotterdam
May 26: Kung Fu demo for "Mytylschool de Brug"
February 21: Xia Quan school Chinese New Year Celebration
January 25: Start: Tai Chi beginners Sunday group
January 18: Start: Tai Chi beginners Sunday group
January 5: Xia Quan lion dance; New Year Celebration at "De Lier"


September 13: Xia Quan lion dance; Rotterdam Business School Graduation Ceremony RBS
March 16: Xia Quan Kung Fu, Tai Chi, lion dance show: Opening the Central Station Rotterdam
Feb. 21: Lion dance: The Confucius Instituut Tiburg
Jan. 1: Kung Fu Flags & Lion dance: Opening Ceremony "Weert 600 Years City"


Nov. 21: Lion dance: Opening "Chinese elderly home" Rotterdam
March 21: Lion dance: Shell Chemicals Europe B.V. Rotterdam
Feb. 30: Moving to a new address: Vijverhofstraat 64 Rotterdam
Feb. 10: Chinese New Year celebration


Dec. 7: Lion Dance: Opening Ceremony "China Light Festival 2012"
Dec. 1: Sinterklaas: Kung Fu Workshop (Inpetto for children's events)
location: Oracle Netherlands BV Utrecht
May 6: Show for "El Dunya Festival" Global Centre Maastricht
April 20: Chinese culture and Kung Fu lessons for "Edudelta College Barendrecht VMBO"
March 31: Lion Dance & Kung Fu flags for "Earth Hour events" at Schouwberg Square Rotterdam


Nov. 10: Lion dance for "Europort 2011 connecting the maritime world" in Ahoy
Oct. 27: Tai Chi workshop for "IFN Finance B.V."
Sep. 18: Tai Chi workshop at "the Schouwburg Square" Rotterdam for "Rotterdam in Balans"
Sep. 8: Tai Chi workshop & Lion dance for Satai entertainment
Sep. 3: Lion dance for "World Port days"
Aug. 25: Lion dance for the opening " Diner en Blanc"
July 18: Childrem Kung Fu workshop for " De Wonderlamp Kinderopvang BijDeHand"
June 14: Tai Chi & Office exercise workshop for "the Youth Care Agency Rotterdam"
location: "Het Park"
June 9: Tai Chi & Office exercise workshop for "GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond"
June 1: Tai Chi & Office exercise workshop in " Kralingse Bos" for "Oscar Romero school"
May 7: Ahoy Rotterdam: The opening ceremony of World Championship Table tennis
Feb. 14: Tai Chi & Office exercise for municipality government Rotterdam
Feb. 5: Lion Dance in Katendrecht for "China on the Cape"
Feb. 5: Lion Dance , Kung Fu & Tai Chi show for Chinees school "Dan Hua"
Feb. 3: Lion Dance in "World Trade Center" Rotterdam


Dec. 16: Tai Chi & Office exercise for court Dordrecht
Oct. 1: Tai Chi & Office exercise for Ministry of Justice
Sep. 27: Tai Chi & Office exercise for Maritime Museum Rotterdam
Sep. 2: Tai Chi & Office exercise for Ministry of Transport and Water
July 1: Tai Chi & Office exercise for Albeda College Rotterdam
July 1: Tai Chi & Office exercise for "Combinatie 70 openbare basis school" Rotterdam
Feb. 17: Lion & Dragon dancing for the celebration Chinese New Year in center of Rotterdam
Feb. 10: Lion dance for municipality government Breda in the Chassé theatre Breda


Nov. 21: Lion Dance & Kung Fu demo in center of Den Haag
Sep. 24: Tai Chi workshop for Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Aug. 29: Kung Fu, Tai Chi, lion & dragon dance for the opening "China Culture festival"
May 30: Kung Fu demo & workshop on Deliplein of "Operadagen Rotterdam"
May 23: Kung Fu demo & workshop on Deliplein of "Operadagen Rotterdam"
May 22: Lion & dragon dance: The Opening of "Opera days Rotterdam" at Deliplein
May 14: Kung Fu workshop for St. Montfort College Rotterdam
May 28: Kung Fu workshop for St. Montfort College Rotterdam
Aril 8: Lion dance in Katendrecht Rotterdam
April 6: Tai Chi workshopo for ART OF EVENTS PRODUCTION Utrcht



  • November 20: Office Exercises & Tai Chi workshop in Office of "Wajong"

  • October 15,: Lion dance, Kung Fu, Tai Chi workshop for Orange Networking Event 2008 Antwerpen

  • September 6: Lion dance for NS

  • August 30: Lion dance, Kung Fu Tai Chi show for SKF

  • June 28: Lion dance, Kung Fu Tai Chi show; multicultural festival in Zeeland

  • May 31: Netherlands Wushu Competition

  • April 21: Lion dance, Kung Fu Tai Chi show for "Sportgala Zoetermeer"

  • February 1: Lion dance for "The Delegation of Shanhai China"

  • January 25: Lion dance & Kung Fu Show for "de Gelderlander Sportgala"

  • January 17: Show for "General practitioner Rotterdam"


  • December 29: Lion dance, Kung Fu & Tai Chi in China

  • December 16: Lion dance - Kung Fu - Tai Chi Show in Hong Kong

  • November 17: Show for World Travel Market in Theater SPANT Bussum

  • September 30: Première for Warner Bros. Pictures International Holland

  • September 28: Tai Chi & Office exercises workshop "The Rail Sports Day" (600 persons) at Mill
  • New record for the biggest "Tai Chi Workshop" in the world! (2006)

More info: "news"

(This message is posted on 17-8-2014)

For Organizations:
School info:
Nederlandse Wushu Academie Xia Quan
- Since 1991 -
Vijverhofstraat 64 3032 SN Rotterdam The Netherlands

Tel: 010-425 82 77     Direct line: 06-53 18 03 49
(Tel: Monday ~ Friday 10:00 ~ 16:00
closed on Wednesday)
E-mail: info@xiaquan.com
Nederlandse Wushu Academie Xia Quan
IBAN: NL97INGB0004833239
k.v.k.: 24386802
This site is created by Sarmad Habib, Shu Ming Tong and Kong F.W. 孔藩偉 © Copyright 2014 NWA       All rights reserved