2025 Tai Chi beginner
For more than thirty years, we have trained uncountable Dutch champions and top-notch Kung Fu and Tai Chi students.
After three years of corona problems, we have tried to minimize many courses. Now we only teach small groups and serious people.
February 2025:
2025 Kung Fu beginner
For more than thirty years, we have trained uncountable Dutch champions and top-notch Kung Fu and Tai Chi students.
After three years of corona problems, we have tried to minimize many courses. Now we only teach small groups and serious people.
Septembe 2024:
September 2024:
29 May 2023:
5 April 2023:
Tai Chi workshop for Anthony Veder Chartering B.V.
We doen lion dance Chinese oudejaarsavond bij "Jack"
19 Jan. 2023:
Tai Chi workshop x 2 groups in ss Rotterdam
March 14:
Tai Chi Beginners group
start: 14-03-2022 19:00
location: Vijverhofstraat 64 3032 SN Rotterdam
Tai Chi & Qi Gong lesson
For Beginners
Tai Chi Master from China with more than 55 years experience
Online register: www.taichi1.nl
Email: info@xiaquan.com
July 20:
Summer Vacation
Tai Chi & Qi Gong
Special Course
for beginners:
3 lessons per week, 10 lessons in total
10 lessons €95 without register fee
Deadline for registration: June 28
watch the free lesson!
19 mei:
Start all Tai Chi & Kung Fu lessons outdoor again!
Qi Gong & Tai Chi Online Course "Zoom" & FB “Live video”
If you suffer from shoulder, neck or back problems
If you are looking for simple ways to improve your health
If you always wanted to practise Tai Chi or Qi Gong
This course (4 lessons) is for you!
2 lessons a week, Tuesday & Thursday 7PM CET
Each lesson: 25 min. and after lesson 5~10 min. for questions
Start: Tai Chi Long Course in Allianz Insurance
- 2 lessons a week, 15 weeks 30 lessons)
January 26:
Lion dance, Tai Chi & Kung Fu show: Celebration Chinese New Year voor "Laurens"
January 25:
Lion dance: Celebration Chinese New Year
November 29:
Tai Chi lesson in Allianz Benelux N.V. "First lesson"
November 12:
Tai Chi & Office exercise workshop for "Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat"
Sep. 11:
Start: Kung Fu/Wushu beginners group. Every Wed. 20:30 ~ 22:00
Sep. 10:
Start: Tai Chi beginners group. Every Tue. 19:30 ~ 20:45
Sep. 4:
Start: Kung Fu/Wushu beginners children group. Every Wed. 13:30 ~ 14:15
Sep. 1:
Tai Chi workshop for Toneelvereniging Echte Liefde
Aug. 30:
Tai Chi & Office exercise workshop for Hogeschool Rotterdam
July 16:
Workshop for Netherlands Public Prosecution Service
June 7:
Dragon boat festival: Lion dance, Tai Chi & Kung Fu demonstration in Maritiem Museum Rotterdam
June 4:
Tai Chi workshop for residential care institution "De Magistraat - Domus Magnus"
May 26:
Do you want to play in a real Kung Fu movie?
The Dutch Wushu Academy Xia Quan will start soon a new Kung Fu group for 10 ~ 14 year old.
Sunday, May 26th, from 10:00 to 11:30
- First training period: 8 lessons
- Second training period: from September (after the summer vacation)
The students of this lesson have a good chance that they can play next year in the first Dutch Kungfu children's feature film directed by Froukje Tan (among others. Links, My Adventures by V. Swchwrm). You don't have to have a Kung Fu experience yet, because you learn the basic principles of Kung Fu and lion dance here.
You will be trained by Sifu (Master) Kong, who himself was a Kung Fu actor and has won many prizes in China (80's China the First International Full-contact Competition winner, Canton short weapon champion, traditional hand-form champion, total 16 times medals)
Attention will also be paid to KungFu techniques used in films and test shots will be made for the film. More information will follow.
Do you want to join?
Then sign up via this link and come and train soon!
Registration and appointment:
May 5:
Tai Chi & Kung Fu "Information & Register day"
05 05 2019 13:00 ~ 15:00
Vijverhofstraat 64 3021 SN Rotterdam
For you;
- Arrange a basic lesson!
- Arrange a "try free" lesson!
- Arrange a priority in the new group after the summer holiday!
You will meet with Master Kong who will inform and introduce you to our Traditional Tai Chi & Kung Fu school.
April 20:
Xia Quan lion dance for "Danhua 20th Anniversary Celebration" Erasmus Pavilion
- A big lions with two baby lions -
March 24:
Kung Fu Tai Chi demo Paris
Feb. 9:
Opening ceremony: Chinese New Year Rotterdam
Newspaper: our team for Chinees Nieuwjaar
Jan. 31:
Kung Fu workshop in Office: Spaces
Jan. 8:
Tai Chi workshop:
Oct. 14:
Tai Chi & Kung Fu lesson in Kralingse Bos
Oct. 7:
Before the winter, a small Tai Chi group will have the Sunday training once in the Kralingse bos.
You are welcome to join, even if you are not a Xia Quan member!
Sunday 7 October from 12.00 - 12.45.
Location: at the parking lot next to restaurant "De Tuin van de Vier Windstreken" at the end of the Plaszoom.
Sep. 13:
Beginners Tai Chi group
1. Online registration before Sep. 8 (Members limited max 15 pers.)
2. No Experience: Welcome
Trainings time: Every Thursday 19:00 ~ 20:15
Location: Vijverhofstraat 64 Rotterdam
Sep. 12:
Beginners Children Kung Fu
1. Online registration before Sep. 9 (Members limited max 15 pers.)
2. Children 6 ~ 11 years old Welcome
Trainings time: Every Wednesday 13:00 ~ 14:15
Location: Vijverhofstraat 64 Rotterdam
Sep. 5:
Beginners Kung Fu group
1. Online registration before Sep. 1 (Members limited max 15 pers.)
2. No Experience: Welcome
Trainings time: Every Wednesday 19:00 ~ 20:30
Location: Vijverhofstraat 64 Rotterdam
Every Friday 19:00 ~ 21:00
Location: Vredehofweg 13 3062 EK Rotterdam
July 7:
Xia Quan Kung Fu & Tai Chi demo in Groningen
(Trainings weekend Bao Trieu)
July 7:
Sifu Kong: Kung Fu workshop in Groningen
(Trainings weekend Bao Trieu)
June 14:
Tai Chi & Office exercise for school teachers
March 18:
Xia Quan Kung Fu & Tai Chi traditional meeting at Paris 18-03-2018
Start: Xia Quan 40+ Kung Fu beginners Sunday group
January 5:
Xia Quan lion dance; New Year Celebration at "De Lier"
September 13:
Xia Quan lion dance; Rotterdam Business School Graduation Ceremony RBS
Assist-trainer Shu-Ming Tong visits China Xia Quan
March 16:
Xia Quan Kung Fu, Tai Chi, lion dance show: Public Opening of the Rotterdam Central Station
Some nice students of our team:
• Shu-Ming Tong: 6 x 1st prize hand and short weapon Ned. & International
• Pau-Kho: 5 x 1st prize, 4 x 2nd & Exhibition traditional weapon Ned. & International
• Samard Habib: 2 x 1st prize Tai Chi and Tai Chi sword, Ned.
• Helen Kho: 2 x 1st prize traditional Kung Fu & Ned weapon.
• Froukje Tan: 2 x 2nd Tai Chi and Tai Chi sword, Ned.
• Ahktar Nazim 2 x 2nd group of Kung Fu, Kung Fu Dui Lian (fighting form) international
• Ibrahim Elmansouri Full Contact Trainer
• Ericia The Fatima Assis-trainer
• FW Kong: 16 x medals Full-contact, hand, short-and long-arm, traditional weapon, 3 x 1st prize (in China)
Februar 21i:
Lion dance: Opening "The Confucius Institute Tiburg"
January 31:
Celebration: Chinees nieuwjaar
January 1:
Kung Fu flags & Lion dance: Opening Ceremony "Weert 600 years City"